Actionable Ways to Rock Parenting

Whether you are working outside or home-based, a household with children may sometimes seem like a "never-ending" marathon wherein  one task follows another. Being a brand new parent, I was overwhelmed with the demands of being a parent and found myself physically exhausted and emotionally depleted.

Perhaps, you may be yearning for someone to take your place-even just for a day. If you are feeling this way, know that it is natural for us parents to feel such. It's easy to wonder how some parents seem to have less effort and success. Indeed, there are aspects of Parenting that are not so glamorous- but believe me when I say:  Parenting is God's appointed calling for you during this particular period of your life. If you have begun to believe that your child was given to you to make your life miserable or as a punishment- you are mistaken. God says our children are a reward to enrich our lives (Psalm 127:3-5)


Psalm 127:3-5 New Living Translation (NLT)

Children are a gift from the Lord;
they are a reward from him.

Children born to a young man
are like arrows in a warrior’s hands.

How joyful is the man whose quiver is full of them!
He will not be put to shame when he confronts his accusers at the city gates.


Here are some tips during difficult times:

1- Remind yourself that everything, large and small matters (from bathing, feeding, disciplining) - will contribute to shaping your child.

It is through us-parents, that God's arm embraces, protects and speaks to our child. We are honoured to have been entrusted by God with such privilege.

2- Seek help

I am blessed to have a wonderful group of friends with whom I share my concerns with. If you have no one in mind, don't be afraid to ask GOD to show you a wise and experienced parent. MOST are willing to listen and share their experiences. You will feel a boost of confidence when you hear someone else say "That happened to me too "

3-  Welcome a personal change

God also uses our children to mold our character. I know a personal change has incurred in me as I consciously remind myself to be accountable to God. Engrave GOD's WORD in your heart. Example is this: "If any of you lacks wisdom, he should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault..."(James 1:5) Acknowledge that you can depend on our ALL KNOWING God. This perspective helps me escape from self pity or resentment.

4- Find humour for the day

God says: "Rejoice in the Lord ALWAYS,I will say it again, REJOICE (Philippians 4:4)

I truly believe that laughing is more fun than crying. (plus, it's easier for our facial muscles to smile than to frown!)

No matter what storm you have to face, be confident of your calling from God and  give the coming priceless years as parents a big hurrah!



Read More:
The Impact of Heart Parenting



Follow Katrina Rey MD:

Katrina Rey, M.D, is a licensed doctor of medicine. She is a committed follower of Jesus Christ, wife and mother of a 2 year old daughter. Dedicated to empower the Filipino family in the area of physical and spiritual health.

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